21 November 2019
Client Alert | France | Public Law, Energy & Environment
Law No. 2019-1147 of 8 November 2019 on energy and climate was published in France's Official Journal dated 9 November 2019. It comes about in a context of increasing consideration for climate-related imperatives, and in particular with regard to the transposition of the "Clean energy for all Europeans" package. The new provisions, focusing on the implementation into French law of the Paris Agreement - that entered into force on 4 November 2016 - have been ruled compliant with the Constitution by the French Constitutional Council (Conseil constitutionnel), albeit subject to a reserve of interpretation.
The “energy-climate” bill, submitted to the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) on 30 April 2019, has been considerably supplemented by parliamentary work. The Law on climate and energy deals with a number of subjects:
This law handles a number of current issues in the energy sector. For the remainder, the government is empowered to add to its provisions through forthcoming ordinances.
To find out more and read the publication in full, please click on the PDF file below.