Founded in Paris in 1920, Gide is a leading international law firm with 12 offices spread throughout the world.
Gide is a market-leading law firm in all fields of business law.
550 lawyers, including some 100 partners.
Gide is physically present in six regions of the world, with 11 offices, enabling it to act on cases globally.
Gide communicates actively and regularly in the press and via its newsletters.
Join Gide and become part of one of the few truly international French law firms.
新法废止了规定在一方申请破产时变更或终止法律关系的合同条款(迄今为止,只有在一方被宣告破产时方适用该条款)。这意味着申请破产不再被视为违反贷款协议,并导致贷款协议的终止 。仅仅规定申请破产即成为贷款协议自动终止的理由的做法不再有效(对旧法第83条做出的修改)。