
Autumn Budgets in the UK and France: what will they mean for you?

The new Labour Government’s first post-election Budget will be held on 30 October 2024, and there has been much speculation that many taxes may be set for potential change.
On the morning of Thursday, 31 October, tax specialists from Gide and financial planning experts from SG Kleinwort Hambros will host a post-Budget breakfast during which they will provide an overview of the key tax measures that arise from the Budget. You will leave the session with a clearer idea of how these might affect you from a personal and/or business perspective. 
For those with interests on both sides of the Channel, representatives from Gide’s Paris office will be on hand to give their views on how the new French Government’s plans to cut spending and raise taxes could impact individuals and corporations in France. 

On a positive note, there will be croissants and coffee, as well as worthwhile discussion.

Thursday, 31 October 2024
Registration & breakfast from 08:15
Presentation 08:30 – 09:30
Venue: Gide Loyrette Nouel, 15th Floor, 125 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AR

On the panel:

  • Gerald Montagu, Head of International Tax, Gide London
  • Foulques Delaporte, Counsel, Gide Paris
  • Nji Lorimer, Head of UK Wealth Planning, SG Kleinwort Hambros

To register your interest in attending this event, please contact

SG Kleinwort Hambros is a private bank with a wealth of experience in helping individuals, families, entrepreneurs, charities and their advisers manage their financial assets, it does not provide tax advice.

The level of taxation depends on individual circumstances, which can change. You should seek professional advice to understand any applicable tax or legal consequences.

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