Fondé à Paris en 1920, Gide est l’un des plus grands cabinets d’avocats en France et l’un des tout premiers en Europe occidentale. Présent à Paris, Bruxelles et Londres, Gide offre à ses clients le bénéfice d’équipes pluridisciplinaires, nombreuses et chevronnées, pour la mise en œuvre de leurs projets et le règlement de leurs difficultés.
Ailleurs en Europe occidentale, Gide s'appuie, dans le cadre d’un réseau européen de cabinets indépendants sur une relation étroite (mais non-exclusive) développée avec les cabinets Chiomenti en Italie, Cuatrecasas dans la péninsule ibérique et Gleiss Lutz en Allemagne, tous trois leaders dans leur pays respectif :
Gide bénéficie également de l'excellence du réseau des cabinets européens de Lex Mundi.
Gide Loyrette Nouel regularly advises on merger control issues arising from planned M&A and joint venture transactions. It has further experience in EC abuse of dominance investigations, with a focus on advising complainants and interveners. It is particularly active for TMT, transport, energy and utilities companies and stands out for its focus on French and Polish clients, whom it represents before both national and EU authorities.
Chambers Global - Belgium - Competition : EU
Gide Loyrette Nouel is a key complainant-side practice, assisting EU steel and biofuel producers with the imposition of new trade remedies or with the defence of the same in interim or expiry reviews. The law firm handles trade investigations carried out in foreign jurisdictions, with proven experience in the defence of EU-based companies facing EAEU, Moroccan and Turkish trade defence investigations. Gide has built up a strong Brussels-based team of individuals with previous experience working within the EC and WTO.
Chambers Europe & Global 2023 - Europe-Wide - International Trade / WTO
Gide Loyrette Nouel is a major French firm that handles international arbitration from its Paris office, with further support based in London. The team primarily assists with commercial arbitration proceedings and has experience in cases seated in Paris and Geneva under ICC and Swiss rules. European states also mandate Gide for its strength in UNCITRAL cases regarding mining projects. The team is particularly involved in disputes relating to Africa.
Chambers Europe 2023 & Global - Europe-Wide - Arbitration (International)