
India’s new Data protection law and the GDPR: impact on business in France and India

In collaboration with La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Franco Indienne and Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, we organized this morning a hybrid Conference on Data Protection in France and India.

On this occasion, we were very pleased to welcome Marie-Laure Denis, Chairwoman of the CNIL, and Arjun Goswami, Advisor, Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023, who introduced the conference.

Thierry Dor has spoken alongside a panel of experts composed by Jean Ferré, Arun Sadhanand Prabhu, Christophe Mariette, Nikhil Kumar Kolar Sathish and Arjun Goswami. The conference was moderate by Marion Moreau (Tech Expert, Journalist, Conferencer).

Together, they went back over the complex landscape of data protection, in India and in France, particularly for international companies, with a focus on the impact of India’s new Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023.