Gide London hosts International Dispute Resolution Seminar
On Friday, 6 October, Gide London hosted the inaugural International Disputes Seminar in collaboration with fellow European Network firms, Chiomenti, Cuatrecasas and Gleiss Lutz.
This whole-day event drew together European Network lawyers and clients for an exciting programme of seminars, panel discussions and talks covering a wide range of litigation and arbitration issues.
Topics included: strategic forum shopping, third party funding, witness training and a round-up of legal developments in England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
By way of external speakers, we were privileged to be joined by Dr Karl Mackie CBE, Founder President of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR). Dr Mackie joined a panel of experts from across the European Network to discuss the merits of mediation as a form of ADR. Also, no pan-European event would be complete without mentioning Brexit these days and Aidan O’Neill QC (Scot), QC from Matrix Chambers left the audience with some food for thought following his Keynote Address, which took the form of a Brexit update.
We hope that this event will join the calendar of annual European Network events and that it will only grow from this formidable starting position.
Thanks go to our speakers: (From Chiomenti) Antonio Donato, Luca Ferrari, Sebastiano Zimmitti, (from Cuatrecasas) Esther de Félix, Alvaro Mendiola, Iñigo Quintana, Juan Antonio Ruiz, (from Gide) Jean-Hyacinthe de Mitry, Gabriel Hannotin, Hannah McIrvine, Alexandra Munoz, Natasha Peter, Rupert Reece, (from Gleiss Lutz) Dr Andrea Leufgen, Dr David Quinke, Dr Stephan Wilske, (external) Mick Smith, Calunius Capital; Dr Karl Mackie CBE, CEDR; Jason Galbraith-Marten and Phil Lowe, Assurety; and Aidan O’Neill QC (Scot), QC.