We have had an office in Brussels, the centre of European law, since 1967. Comprising 6 partners, more than 30 lawyers and legal practitioners as well as other experts, all senior European civil servants. We share our uniquely comprehensive expertise with our French, European and international clients whose strategic decisions are significantly influenced by Brussels.
Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.
View Building - 26-38 Rue de l'Industrie
1040 Bruxelles

We support our clients in three key areas:
Drawing on our extensive knowledge of the processes involved in drafting, interpreting and implementing European regulations, we support our clients in all sectors (finance, transport, energy, agri-food, etc.) in key practice areas (financing, public procurement, product safety, investments, etc.).
We appear before European institutions, national authorities and the competent courts. We are listed on the Transparency Register of the European Commission and the European Parliament; this enables us to implement advocacy strategies.
We provide tailored, innovative services for merger control notification procedures, working independently or with our Business Law department in Paris and our partners in Europe and beyond. We act in major cartel and abuse of dominant position cases before European, national and international administrative and judicial authorities. Our office is also known for its extensive expertise in State aid and competition matters linked to the development of new European regulations (FSR, DMA/DSA, AI, etc.).
In addition to traditional customs matters, our office is a pioneer in the innovative application of regulations on dumping practices and foreign subsidies, as well as new “level playing field” rules (IPI, FSR…). We are often asked to advise on matters regarding the application of new European regulations with an external dimension (local content, reciprocity in public procurement directives, etc.). We also anticipated the importance of rules on export controls, economic sanctions and sanctions which form part of the broader context of European economic security.