Press release

Workshop on “Delimiting maritime boundaries, a challenge for Africa”

From 29 June to 1 July 2016, Gide organised a training workshop on “Delimiting maritime boundaries, a challenge for Africa” in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, in partnership with local law firm ADKA.

Partner Michel Pitron, Isabelle Rouche and Jean-Sébastien Bazille from our Dispute Resolution team, and partner François Krotoff from the Projects team in Paris, led the workshop.

Our firm has unique know-how in this field. For several years now, our Dispute Resolution and Projects (Finance & Infrastructure) practice groups have been advising Côte d’Ivoire on negotiations with neighbouring Ghana on the maritime boundary between the two countries. In April 2015, the Special Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea banned Ghana from beginning any new drilling in the contested zone, and from using all the confidential information it holds at the expense of Côte d’Ivoire. The Tribunal also ordered both parties to cooperate to preserve the natural resources present in their soil, subsoil, and marine environment, while the boundary is being delimited: a first in this type of dispute! (click here to read the related press release)

Click on the pdf below to view the programme and the highlights of this workshop, which welcomed representatives from African States and from the Republic of Vietnam. The workshop was a perfect opportunity for players active in maritime boundary delimitation to meet and discuss best practices and projects. Please contact Isabelle Rouche or Jean-Sébastien Bazille should you have any questions on the workshop.

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