Gide, counsel to Time Manufacturing on its acquisition of France Elevateur
Gide has advised Time Manufacturing, a leading, global provider of vehicle-mounted aerial lifts, on its acquisition of portfolio company France Elevateur, one of the main European providers of vehicle-mounted aerial lifts.
Gide’s team comprised partner David-James Sebag, counsel Paul Jourdan Nayrac and associates Sarah Doray and Bastien Duclos on corporate aspects ; partner Franck Audran, counsel Charles Terdjman and associate Charles Petit, on aspects of competition and commercial law; counsel Charles-Eric Delamare Deboutteville, and associate Constantin Beytout, on aspects of insurance law; partner Jean-Nicolas Clément, associates Laure Dufour and Romain Gézégou, on environmental law aspects; partner Julien Guinot-Deléry on IP aspects; partner Antoine Mary and associate Cécile Régnier, on aspects of real estate law; partner Foulques de Rostolan and associate Bénédicte Perrier, on labour law aspects; partner Nathalie Benoit on financial law aspects and partner Paul de France and associate Charles Ghuysen, on tax law aspects.
France Elevateur group and sellers (including Elaïs Orium) were advised by Mayer Brown, with Guillaume Kuperfils, Ségolène Dufétel and Renan Lombard-Platet