11 April 2014
Deals | France & Brussels - M&A
Gide advises American investment company OpenGate Capital on the acquisition of Benvic Europe, Solvay S.A.’s polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compounds activity.
Benvic Europe generated a turnover of approximately 160 million euros in 2013, with the group employing some 220 staff on its three production sites in France, Italy and Spain.
The acquisition is subject to the customary conditions, in particular the approval from the competent competition authorities.
The Gide team comprised Guillaume Jolly (Tax), Edgard Nguyen, Catherine Ivari and Solène Thomas (M&A), Dimitri Dimitrov, Christina Renner and Charles Terdjman (Competition).
Gide also drew on Chiomenti’s expertise for the acquisition’s Italian aspects and on Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira for its Spanish aspects.