Gide, counsel to IFC in PEPT’s First Securitisation to Support Access to Electricity in Côte d’Ivoire
Gide has advised the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in its up to FCFA 30 billion (equivalent to $48.8 million) anchor investment in the first social bond issued by a securitisation vehicle to support the Electricity for All Program (PEPT), a program led by the government of Côte d’Ivoire to facilitate access to electricity to underserved populations in Côte d’Ivoire.
Proceeds from the bond will contribute to the financing the connection of up to 800,000 additional lower-income households to the national grid over the next four years. This represents an increase in electricity access of more than 13 percent nationwide.
The Gide team comprised partners Dimitrios Logizidis and Victor Grandguillaume, counsel Jérémie Bismuth and associates Imane Bellafqih and Lucile Meurin.