Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to ExterionMedia France on the dispute concerning the concession of City of Paris billboards

Gide has assisted ExterionMedia France in the dispute concerning the tendering process for the service concession pertaining to the use of general or local street furniture for advertising. Somupi, part of group JC Decaux, was retained by the City of Paris at the end of the consultation.

In an order dated 21 April 2017, the tendering process was annulled by the Paris administrative court, it being considered that the City of Paris had breached its own local advertising regulations when it authorised the installation of digital advertising devices on conceded urban furniture and retained the offer of Somupi to install such digital advertising on 15% of Paris urban furniture.

Gide represented ExterionMedia France, with a team comprising partner Michel Guénaire and associates Pierre-Adrien Lienhardt, Alix Goléa and Alexandre Rennesson.

Foussard-Froger represented the City of Paris, with Régis Froger. Somupi was defended by Lyon-Caen & Thiriez, with Frédéric Thiriez. Clear Chanel had also challenged the allocation process and was defended by Cabanes-Neveu, with Christophe Cabanes and Charlotte Pezin.