Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to Avril on the creation of a joint venture with BioPolymer Technologies and Bpifrance Investissement

Oilseeds and proteins operator Avril has joined forces with Israeli start-up BioPolymer Technologies (BPT) and the SPI – Sociétés de Projets Industriels (Industrial Projects Company) investment fund,
financed by the French ‘Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir’ (Investments for the Future Program) and managed by Bpifrance, in order to produce a resin additive from rapeseed meal through a new joint venture, Evertree. With start-up capital of €24M, Evertree is to receive contributions totalling €72M over four years.

Gide advised Avril with a team comprising Emmanuel Reille (partner) and Laura Castex (counsel) and Ségolène Pelsy (counsel) for competition aspects, Jean-Gabriel Flandrois (partner) and Hugo Nocerino for corporate aspects and Raphaëlle Dequiré-Portier (partner) and Elise Marie for intellectual property aspects.

BTP was advised by Fischer Behar Chen Well Orion & Co. and Bpifrance Investissement by GATE AVOCATS.