Analysis & trends
Covid-19 | Booklet presenting the emergency measures enacted by the French Government
Since the publication of Law No. 2020-290 dated 23 March 2020, which instituted a state of public health emergency in France for a period of two months, Gide’s Covid-19 taskforce, working closely with our Scientific Council, has published analyses of the main ordinances that significantly impact business life, regularly updated on our website.
We are pleased to share with you the second edition in English of our booklet presenting the emergency measures enacted by the French Government, as at 2 June 2020, a date that opens a new chapter in a – still fragile – return to a certain normality. This edition incorporates many updated analyses as well as new contributions which take into account, in particular, the publication of the new law No. 2020-546 of 11 May 2020 extending the state of public health emergency until 10 July 2020 inclusive, but also new ordinances aimed in particular at resuming the course of certain deadlines. Click here or below to download it:

This booklet is structured around the following eight topics: Time Limits, Litigation and Proceedings; Solidarity Fund and Distressed Companies; Company Administration; Tax Law; Employment Law; Public Law, and Environment; Real Estate; Intellectual Property and New Technologies.
You can also download here the latest edition of our booklet in French.
We hope you will find these booklets useful, and would like to state once again our commitment to being by your side during these difficult times.
All our teams remain available to answer any questions you may have. Click here to read the legal updates of Gide’s multidisciplinary taskforce set up to answer all your legal issues relating to Covid-19.
Happy reading, and stay safe,
The Management Committee & the Covid-19 taskforce
on behalf of the Partners of Gide