10 October 2013
For the 5th time, Gide partners the Forum des affaires et du droit, to be held from 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Paris (Maison des Arts & Métiers).
This forum brings together highly experienced lawyers and entrepreneurs for conferences and small workgroups, ensuring a high-quality working environment.
Partner David Jonin will speak from 8.30 to 10 a.m. on the topic "Restructuration, fermeture de site... : gérer les nouveaux riques nés avec l'ANI de janvier 2013 et la proposition de la loi Florange." (Restructurings, site closures etc.: how to manage the new risks arising from the January 2013 National Inter-professional Agreement and the Florange law proposal)
Location: Maison des Arts & Métiers (Paris)