Press release

International rankings for 2023: our expertise, multi-disciplinary approach and our ability to innovate have once more been rewarded

We are delighted to see that our clients and our peers recognise the excellence of our lawyers in various international rankings. Thank you.

And that’s three. After being named ‘Law firm of the year’ in 2020 and again last year, we are delighted to be recognised once again as ‘Law firm of the year’ in the 2023 edition of the Jeune Afrique and Africa Business Plus rankings.

This ranking in French-speaking Africa places 12 of our partners in the top 100 most influential business lawyers, and demonstrates once again the undeniable strength of our expertise on the African continent and the dynamism of our multidisciplinary, cross-functional teams. Congratulations to all of you, and a special mention to Victor Grandguillaume, who has made it into the top three this year!

Gide China’s proficiency and expertise have been recognized by China Business Law Journal in six categories, affirming Gide’s position and reputation as a leading firm to assist foreign clients in China and Chinese clients abroad :

  • Competition & antitrust ;
  • Construction & infrastructure ;
  • Employment & Labour ;
  • M&A (Inbound and domestic) ;
  • Pro Bono Achiever ;
  • Taxation.

Best Lawyers 2024 recognises Gide as “Law Firm of the Year” in Banking & Finance and Real Estate in France.

3 of our partners are ranked Paris “Lawyer of the year” in their area of expertise:

  • Thomas Courtel
  • Olivier Dauchez;
  • Rémi Tabbagh.

111 of our partners and counsels are recognised as “Best Lawyers” in 51 areas of expertise in France and in the UK; and 41 of our associates are listed in the “Ones to watch” category in 17 areas of expertise.

The Legal 500 EMEA 2023 ranking confirms, once again, our position as one of the leading international law firms in the EMEA region. We have 29 Top-Tier firm nominations, 74 recognised areas of expertise and 93 individual rankings, including 16 listed in the “Hall of Fame“, which highlights lawyers who have received the highest recommendations from their clients year after year for their excellence, 41 in the “Leading individuals” category, 22 in “Next-Generation Lawyers” and 15 in “Rising Stars“. 

Chambers Europe 2023 ranks us once more this year in 32 categories in Belgium, France, Poland, and Turkey, as well as Europe-wide. Our lawyers are in the spotlight in this new edition, with 62 ranked individually

Chambers Global 2023 ranks us in 33 categories in Algeria, Belgium, China, France, Morocco, Poland, Tunisia and Turkey, as well as in the Europe-wide and Africa-wide regions. The firm stands out once again in this new edition of the ranking with 41 of our lawyers individually ranked, including 10 new entries. Congratulations!

we are proud to announce that its Partner Fan Jiannian is listed in the 2022 edition of China Business Law Journal’s A-List, which identifies PRC lawyers and foreign firm lawyers most highly recommended by China’s legal market. This reward acknowledges again the long lasting commitment and professionalism of the Gide China Team in China for the past 30 years.
Fan Jiannian was also named in 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Once again, Chambers FinTech 2023  ranks us in top position in “Fintech Legal”! We would like to congratulate in particular our Gide 255 team, which regularly advises international and long-standing players on their innovative digital asset projects. With leading financial and capital market offers, and strong expertise in digitisation, our firm is proud to have a comprehensive FinTech advisory team in place.
Also a big bravo to our Finance, Mergers Acquisitions and Telecommunications, Medias, Technology teams.

We are delighted to be ranked in the “Highly Recommended” category of the France section of the Global Competition Review GCR 100 2023, a comprehensive listing and analysis of the world’s top antitrust and competition practices.