Analysis & trends

Information Technologies and Communication Authority takes over ccTLD in Turkey (.tr domain names)

The Information Technologies and Communication Authority (“Authority”), a national telecommunications regulatory and inspection authority that is part of the Turkish government, is the new official ccTLD manager regarding conducting administrative transactions about the allocation of domain names with the extension .tr. The Middle East Technical University (“METU”), a public technical university, has been entitled to provide Internet services and manage domain names in Turkey since 1990.

The transfer of the administrative power over ccTLD from METU to the Authority was first legally documented in Ordinance no. 27752 on Internet Domain Names (“Ordinance”),was published on 7 November 2010 in the Official Gazette. The first provisional article of the Ordinance provided for the transfer of the functions and tasks of METU to the Authority two years after the publication of the Ordinance. Moreover, a newly created centralised database named TRABIS was planned in the Ordinance for the management of domain name registrations and transfers. Since then, Administration, an entity formed within the Computer Center of METU, is still in charge of the management of domain names in Turkey and has the responsibility of supporting the Information Technologies and Communication Authority and the TRABIS activation process, which is yet being structured.

Lastly, the signed protocol between METU and the Authority regarding the activation of TRABIS and re-delegation was approved by ICANN’s Board of Directors in May. According to the protocol, the transition of TRABIS is expected to be concluded by next year. The existing mechanism will continue until the activation of TRABIS and Administration will be responsible for the application, transfer and opposition processes regarding ccTLD in Turkey.

Considering the new authorisation, it is recommended that clients review and update the contact information (e-mail, contact number) provided as domain name owner to Administration for future potential notifications upon transfer.

In compliance with Turkish bar regulations, opinions relating to Turkish law matters that are included in this client alert have been issued by Özdirekcan Dündar Şenocak Avukatlık Ortaklığı, a Turkish law firm acting as correspondent firm of Gide Loyrette Nouel in Turkey.

This client alert is not intended to constitute legal advice and should not be taken as a recommendation to take action or withhold from taking action.