Deals & Disputes

Gide strengthens its Scientific Council with the arrival of Thierry Bonneau

As the cornerstone of Gide’s legal expertise, the Scientific Council was established to serve its lawyers’ doctrinal reflection.

The Scientific Council oversees an ambitious programme of conferences for Gide’s clients, and designs internal training programmes, in particular the foundation knowledge and skills expected of all associates. It also enjoys close relations with the learned societies supported by the firm. Alongside the Knowledge Management team, the Scientific Council played a crucial role in drafting reference booklets pertaining to France’s Loi Pacte and, more recently, to the Covid-19 ordinance analyses.

It is made up of partners, senior counsels and academics who are recognised in their field, all drawn from different areas of expertise.

With Thierry Bonneau, Gide’s Scientific Council now numbers 18 members, including five academics: Philippe Dupichot (Chair), Hubert Védrine (honorary member), Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse (member of the firm’s Executive Committee), Thierry Bonneau, Olivier Dauchez, Claire Debourg, Dimitri Dimitrov, Jean-Gabriel Flandrois, Alexandre Gauthier, Richard Ghueldre, Franck Guiader, Delphine Guillotte, Francis Kessler, Laetitia Lemercier, Emilie Leygonie, Jean-Hyacinthe de Mitry, Foulques de Rostolan and Edmond Schlumberger.

“We are delighted to welcome Thierry to our Scientific Council. A recognised author in banking and finance law, his contributions to our discussions will be precious. For over 100 years now, Gide has embodied excellence in the service of its clients, and we would be very pleased now to contribute, with him, to Gide’s further influence”, enthuses Philippe Dupichot, Chair of the Scientific Council and professor at Paris I University (Panthéon-Sorbonne).

Thierry Bonneau | Conseil Scientifique de Gide

Thierry Bonneau, Doctor of Laws (1987) and agrégé des Facultés de droit (1991), has been teaching banking law, financial market law, European and international banking and financial regulation, as well as listed companies and securities law since 1997 at Paris II University (Panthéon-Assas).

Author of reference works in France and abroad, Thierry Bonneau regularly contributes to international doctrinal production at conferences, panels and working groups.