Press release

Gide partner Nicolas Jean in the Top #5 of the Financial Afrik ranking of the 100 people who transform Africa

Partner Nicolas Jean, a member of Gide’s Projects (Finance & Infrastructure) practice group, is ranked in the Top #5 of the lawyers distinguished among the “100 personnalités qui transforment l’Afrique” (100 people who transform Africa) by the Financial Afrik ranking published on 17 December 2020.

Nicolas joined Gide in 2008. He specialises in projects, project financing, and banking and structured financing. He acts primarily in sub-Saharan and North Africa, where he advises governments and public authorities on legislative and regulatory reforms to conduct change. To this end, he is currently steering the project to reform the regulatory framework that governs the banking and financial activities of the Central Bank of Mauritania. Nicolas is also supervising the reform of the tourist and leisure sector in Côte d’Ivoire and the mobilisation of related funds, and has recently coordinated the drafting of Côte d’Ivoire’s new construction code.

In April 2020, Nicolas has initiated Gide’s African Debt taskforce which established the first Think Tank dedicated to African debt: A new ROAD (A New Roundtable On African Debt). Designed as a cross-disciplinary and international platform, A new ROAD brings together decision-makers, institutions, commercial banks and private operators as well as financial and legal experts to offer innovative solutions regarding the sustainability of African debt and the development of foreign investment.


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