Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to the joint venture on the acquisition of Blue Bird

Gide has advised the joint venture between Générale Continentale Investissements Participation (GCI) and a vehicle managed by Crédit Suisse on the off-plan acquisition (acquisition en vente en l’état final d’achèvement, or VEFA) of Blue Bird, an office project of approximately 10,000 sq.m. located in the southern Paris suburb of Montrouge and scheduled for completion at end 2022.

Co-developed by Kaufman & Broad, Idevi and Palladio Promotion, the project was designed by architect Anthony Béchu and is looking to achieve environmental certifications HQE Excellent, Breeam Very Good and Effinergie +. The building will offer a wide range of services including a business centre, conference rooms and a fitness / wellbeing centre.

Gide advised the buyer with a team comprising partner Eric Martin-Impératori, working with associate Iyad El-Boriny on real estate aspects.



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