Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to the IFC and the Government of Rwanda on a PPP for the provision of clean water to Kigali

Gide has advised the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Government of Rwanda, the Rwanda Development Board and the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) on the bulk water treatment and supply PPP to Kigali.

The implementation of the project was confirmed by the signing of a Public-Private Partnership Agreement relating to the bulk water PPP in March 2015 by Kigali Water Limited, the project company held by Dubai-headquartered Metito, selected through an international tender process. Under the PPP Agreement, Kigali Water Limited will sell water to Rwanda’s Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) for a 25-year term from the commercial operation date of the plant.

The total cost of the project is approximately USD 60 million, financed by both the Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund and the African Development Bank. The project also benefits from a grant from PIDG’s Technical Assistance Facility.

Once completed, the project will provide Rwanda’s capital city with 40 million litres per day of fresh, clean and safe water, i.e. approximately one third of Kigali’s water needs.

Gide’s team comprised partner John D. Crothers, counsel Victor Grandguillaume, and associate Frédéric Pia.



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