Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to Inforsud Gestion on the sale of the share capital of Chabrillac to Sprint Group

Gide has advised Inforsud Gestion, a subsidiary of Crédit Agricole, on the change of control of Chabrillac to Sprint Group.  

Chabrillac, founded in 1925, is a group based in Toulouse and Paris that employs 37 people. It specialises in large-format indoor and outdoor advertising and is a member of the Imprim’Lux network.

Inforsud Gestion was advised by:

  • Gide, with partner Guillaume Rougier-Brierre and associate Antoine Moulin on corporate/M&A aspects;
  • Pierre Besson, partner at Impulse Corporate Finance, on investment banking/M&A advisory aspects.

Franklin advised Sprint Group (partners Numa Rengot and Yam Atallah, and associates Adriana Chiche and Antoine Fouassier on M&A aspects, and partner Myriam de Gaudusson and associate Maxime Brouard, on employment law aspects).

Hicham Ezzahiri from Aton Partners advised Sprint Group on financial due diligence and negotiation aspects.