Press release

Gide, counsel to BPI France and group Crédit Agricole on the fundraising of Technique Solaire

Technique Solaire is a producer of solar energy and biomethane in France and abroad (India in particular), which controls the development, financing, construction and operation of production plants. Technique Solaire currently has 170 MWp in operation and under construction, including  141 MWp in France and 29 MWp in India.

This transaction shall enable the group to achieve its ambition of having 1 GWp of solar power plants in operation by 2024. This fundraising comes after the raising of a €111 million senior debt announced in May 2020.

The investor team who handled legal matters was composed of Amira Mnafek (BPI France) and Jean Lebreton (Idia Capital Investissement).

The Gide team who advised BPI France and the Crédit Agricole group was led by partners Alexis Pailleret and Caroline Lan, assisted by associates Chloé Bouhours and Marie-Sophie Chevreteau, for the corporate/M&A aspects, counsel Brian Martin, for the tax aspects, counsel Lucie Pernet, for aspects related to town planning law, associate Emma George for aspects related to energy law, associate Pascal Suffran for aspects related to project contracts, associate Laure Dufour, for aspects related to environmental law and associate Maxime Redon, for aspects related to employment law.

The Indian law firm Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co also advised on aspects of Indian law.

Technique Solaire was advised by the law firm DDG.

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