Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to Adeo (Leroy Merlin) on the sale of a pan-European portfolio of property assets worth EUR 500 million, under brands Leroy Merlin, Bricoman and Bricomart

Gide has advised Adeo on a sale and lease-back operation to Batipart and Covea of a pan-European portfolio of real estate assets, worth over EUR 500 million.

The portfolio comprises 42 assets in four countries (France, Spain, Italy and Portugal), fully leased to brands Leroy Merlin, Bricoman and Bricomart. Together, the assets cover a total of over 400,000 sq.m., secured by long-term leases.

Adeo, a leading international player in the home improvement market, retains 20% of the newly created structure for the acquisition of the portfolio.

Gide advised Adeo on this transaction, with a team headed by partners Frédéric Nouel and Christophe Eck, working with counsels Cléopha Thomann and Pierre-Adrien Vibert, and associates Ghizlen Sari Ali and Capucine Pelissié.

Adeo was also assisted by notarial office Wargny Katz, with notary Marc Paturel and Victor Berweiller.

Cuatrecasas, partner firm of Gide, advised Adeo on aspects of Spanish and Portuguese law. For Spain, the team was made up of counsels Silvia Alcoverro and Hélène Baus, partner Julio Brasa, and associate Ana Serrano. For Portugal, the team comprised partner Sara Quaresma and associate Margarida Sapateiro.

Chiomenti, partner firm of Gide, advised Adeo on aspects of Italian law with partner Luca Liistro, and associates Alessandro Buscemi and Simona Granieri.

Herbert Smith Freehills advised Adeo on the financing aspects of the transaction, and Arsène Taxand on the tax aspects of the transaction.

Arendt & Medernach advised Adeo on aspects of Luxembourgish law.

Batipart was advised by law firm De Pardieu Brocas Maffei, notarial office Cheuvreux and law firm Elvinger Hoss Prussen.


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