Deals & Disputes

Gide advises Enterprise Investors on its investment in Scan Lab

Gide has advised Enterprise Investors Fund IX, a private equity fund managed by Enterprise Investors, on its investment in Scan Lab, the largest digital dental prosthetics laboratory in Poland. As a result of the transaction, the fund and Scan Lab’s CEO, Damian Waliłko, have acquired 100% of the shares in the company from a Polish investment fund managed by Forum TFI.

The team from Gide Warsaw, comprising Partner Paweł Grześkowiak, Counsel Wojciech Czyżewski, associates Magdalena ZawiślakMateusz Więckowski, Dominik Figura and Jan Bąk, provided comprehensive support to the fund in connection with the transaction, including on a due diligence investigation and preparing and negotiating the transaction documentation. Of-counsel Marta Karmińska and associate Katarzyna Gromnicka from the Banking and Finance team advised the client on the process of obtaining acquisition financing from mBank S.A.

This is yet another Enterprise Investors transaction in the medical sector on which the Gide team has recently advised. In August this year, the law firm assisted the fund with the sale of shares in Nu-Med Group, a leading Polish company specialising in the treatment of oncology patients, to Affidea Group.

Enterprise Investors is one of the largest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe. Active since 1990, the firm has raised ten funds that have invested and committed EUR 2.3 billion in 156 companies and exited 140 companies.

Scan Lab is an innovative Polish company specialising in digital solutions for dental prosthetics and orthodontics. Since its establishment in 2017, the laboratory has offered dentists and orthodontists fully digital technology for fabricating prosthetic restorations such as crowns and veneers as well as orthodontic aligners. These solutions cover every stage of treatment, from diagnostics and analysis to design and production of custom-fitted products.

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