Gide advises EDF on the submission of its offer of 6 EPR units to NPCIL
Gide has advised EDF, one of the world’s leading electricity producers, in connection with the submission of its technical and commercial offer to NPCIL for the construction of six EPR-type reactors at Jaitapur, in the state of Maharashtra, India, with an installed capacity of 9.6 GWe.
The purpose of the project is to build the largest nuclear power plant in the world, capable of supplying the annual electricity consumption of 70 million Indian households, and is fully in line with the Indian government’s commitment to reach a 40% CO2-free energy mix by 2030. The socio-economic benefits of this project would be significant, creating tens of thousands of jobs in India as well as within the French nuclear industry.
Gide advised EDF on all legal and tax aspects of the design, supply and construction of the 6 EPR units towards the submission of EDF’s offer to NPCIL, the Government-owned Indian company responsible for the generation of nuclear power.
Gide builds on its extensive experience in the nuclear sector enabling the firm to hold first-rate expertise in nuclear energy projects in France and overseas. Gide has advised Areva on the construction of EPR units in Taishan (China) and is advising EDF on its offer to design of EPR units in Sizewell (UK).
Gide’s team was led by Stéphane Vernay, partner, and Frédéric Colmou, senior associate in Gide’s Project (Finance and Infrastructure) practice. The team was also assisted by Charles-Henri Léger and Victor Grandguillaume, partners, Alix Deffrennes, counsel, Pascal Suffran, Célia Alao and Clément Branchereau, associates. Magueye Gueye, counsel, worked on tax and transfer pricing matters.
Khaitan & Co advised on the Indian law aspects of the project.
The EDF legal team, headed by Sabine Le Gac, was driven by Isabelle Praud and Samuel Flamery, and composed of Nelly Cahagniet, Eleonora Javaux, Jenny Sandaran, Claire Julhiet and Luciana Da Cunha Ferreira as well as Fiona Geoffroy and Michael Varescon on the aspects in connection with the nuclear civil liability. The EDF tax team, headed by Yannick Bouchilloux, was driven by Laurent Muri et Samuel Tardif, and composed of Elodie Rech and Sabrina Gerest.