Analysis & trends

Fraud Alert

We would like to draw your attention to the recent increase in cases of fraudulent practices involving the misuse of identity of major law, auditing and consultancy firms to scam client and non-client companies alike.

  • Individuals are looking to obtain sensitive information by posing as CEOs or law firm partners.
  • They persuasively ask for a large funds transfer with a view to funding a confidential investment or acquisition.
  • These individuals will usually contact you by email and then telephone, and aim to redirect payments directly to their own account.
  • Please be aware that the scammers use “spoofed” contact details that may seem true.

As a reminder, our firm’s email addresses end in “”.

If you are a Gide client, we would like to remind you that the communication of your documents and any other information can only come from your usual contacts, known to you. We therefore strongly recommend that you personally contact these lawyers on their direct lines or via our switchboard to ensure the authenticity of any suspicious request you may have received.

We would like to thank you for your continued vigilance on these matters. For further information, please click below or contact us on:

Director of Information Systems and Digital Transformation
15 rue de Laborde | 75008 Paris
T +33 (0)1 75 42 86
M +33 (0)7 62 27 40 06