Covid-19 | Gide’s multidisciplinary taskforce available to answer any related legal issues
The Covid-19 outbreak in France has led to a public health emergency with restrictive measures being taken by the French government and probably more to come. This situation has and will definitely have unforeseen impacts and consequences on businesses, with legal issues arising.
To answer any questions and challenges your business might be facing, Gide has set up a multidisciplinary taskforce including experts in commercial contracts, competition & international trade, corporate law, compliance, data protection, dispute resolution, employment law, finance, insurance, intellectual property, public law, energy & environment, real estate, restructuring and tax law.
You can already read the contributions of some of our lawyers below:
- Analysis of the latest ordinances taken by the French governement
- French measures implemented to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 pandemic over businesses
- The final version of France’s “emergency draft bill to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic” definitively adopted on 22 March 2020
- Présentation de la loi n° 2020-546 du 11 mai 2020 prorogeant l’état d’urgence sanitaire et complétant ses dispositions (in French)
- Measures in banking law at European level and in France
- Orientated Crypto-€: working towards a dedicated digital currency to boost the Eurozone economy
- The French Prudential Control Authority (ACPR) continues to operate but shows more flexibility regarding the reporting obligations of (re)insurers
- The digital currencies of central banks remain a priority: the Banque de France publishes a call for applications to experiment a central bank digital euro
- The European Commission makes digital finance a strong element in its strategic roadmap
- Solidité des banques face au Coronavirus : pas de panique ! (in French)
- The AMF provides details on liquidity management tools available during the Covid-19 epidemic crisis for open-ended investment funds
- Covid-19 & intelligence artificielle : Des enseignements sur la réforme du cadre réglementaire applicable dans l’Union européenne ? (in French)
- Crowdlending, Covid-19 & 2ème loi de finances rectificative pour 2020 (in French)
- Webinar on the African public debt
- Covid-19 outbreak – Possible State aid measures in favour of companies
- Les autorités de concurrence adaptent les règles de concurrence (in French)
- The impact of Covid-19 on supplier-client relations
- Adaptation of EU and French merger and antitrust rules in the context of the Covid-19 outbreak
- Sortir le système judiciaire français de la paralysie (in French)
- Mandatory laws and ordinances in 2020 – International application of the freezing of periodic penalty payments, penalty clauses, termination clauses and forfeiture clauses during a state of public health emergency
- Ensuring business continuity in the context of Covid-19
- How to deal with a decrease of activity in the context of Covid-19
- Protection of personal data
- Consequences in terms of intellectual property
- How can geolocation data from electronic communications operators be used in the struggle against Covid-19 in the European Union and in France?
- Impact of the Covid-19 crisis on financial communication
- Dividends and share buybacks: commitments imposed on large companies benefiting from government cash support measures
- Foreign investment controls in the main continental European jurisdictions
- Adjusting time frames and deadlines for administrative and legal remedies
- What could be the impact of the Coronavirus on energy production?
- Q&A | Consequences of the state of public health emergency on planning and commercial planning permissions
- Q&A | The environmental law implications of a state of health emergency
- Public sector arrangements in France
- Impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the real estate market
- La reprise des chantiers de construction (marchés privés) à l’épreuve de la gestion sanitaire de l’épidémie de Covid-19 (in French)
- Covid-19 | Tax measures
- Covid-19 | Tax incentive for landlords to waive rent
- Covid-19 | Impact on tax returns and certain formalities
- Foreign investment controls in the main continental European jurisdictions: France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain
- Algeria | Support measures for companies
- Algeria | General measures implemented to slow down the progress of Covid-19
- China | The impact of the Covid-19 on contractual obligations: force majeure or hardship?
- Maroc | Tenue des réunions des organes sociaux en période d’état d’urgence sanitaire : quelles options pour les sociétés commerciales marocaines ? (in French)
- Maroc | Covid-19 et commande publique : éclairage sur les mesures prises par le Gouvernement (in French)
- Morocco | Covid-19 | Which tax measures?
- Poland | The impact of the Covid-19 on international contractual obligations: force majeure or hardship?
- Turkey | Exceptions to Turkish restrictions on dividend distributions
- Turkey | Decision to extend the suspension period to prevent loss of right in the jurisdiction
- Turkey | New legislation mitigating the impact of Covid-19 on economic and social life
- Turkey | New active ratio decision in the Turkish banking sector
- Turkey | Recent developments in the Turkish insurance sector
- Turkey | The impact of Covid-19 on labour law practices in Turkey
- Turkey | Suspension of administrative and judicial periods due to the Covid-19 epidemic
- Turkey | Measures in the field of corporate law
- UK | UK Government measures to support business during Covid-19
- UK | Tax measures to support business during Covid-19
- UK | Judicial and regulatory measures to support business
- UK | Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill Temporary Measures
- UK | Features of the New UK Insolvency Law
- UK | Material Adverse Effect clauses and Covid-19
- UK | Effects of the Covid-19 crisis on european securitisation transactions
- UK | Covid-19 and the FIDIC contracts
- U.S.A. | Update: U.S. tax measures related to Covid-19
- U.S.A. | Update: U.S. tax and funding measures related to Covid-19
>> Click here to download the Lex Mundi guide on the various measures taken by the governments of 104 jurisdictions. Gide is the exclusive member firm in France for Lex Mundi – the world’s leading network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in 100+ countries worldwide. As part of the Lex Mundi global network, we can provide our clients with preferred access to more than 21,000 lawyers around the world – all from a single point of contact. Individually, each Lex Mundi member firm is a leader in its local market.
As the situation is constantly changing, with more uncertainty likely to arise in the next few hours, we have set up a dedicated email address for all your Covid19-related questions:
Please do not hesitate to liaise also with your regular contacts at Gide to discuss of the impact of the Covid-19 for your business.
The Management Committee & the Covid-19 taskforce
on behalf of the Partners of Gide