Chambers Fintech 2022 : Gide ranked Band 1 in Fintech Legal in France Rankings
Chambers Fintech 2022 has ranked Gide Band 1 in Fintech Legal in France Rankings.
Gide Loyrette Nouel has a highly experienced team that regularly advises international and incumbent players alongside innovative projects in digital assets. Bringing top-tier offerings in financial and capital markets and expertise in digitalisation via consulting arm Gide255, the firm boasts a comprehensive FinTech advisory service.
Chambers FinTech helps clients find the leading lawyers and other professionals in the FinTech industry across the world. Based on thousands of in-depth research interviews, all conducted by their dedicated research team.
Chambers FinTech identifies the leading payments, blockchain, cyber security and data protection specialists globally, offering an invaluable resource for start-up and scale-up FinTech businesses, incumbent tech and financial services firms, and PE/VC investors in the sector.