Press release

“Best Lawyers” distinguishes Gide

They are:

  • Eric Cartier-Millon, distinguished in finance for the third time, after having received the accolade in 2011 and 2013; and
  • Xavier de Kergommeaux, specialised in asset-backed financing, securitisation, building societies, trusts, structured financings and hive-off vehicles.

No fewer than 34 other Gide partners were ranked among the journal’s “Best Lawyers”: Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse, Kamel Ben Salah, Anne Boileau, Christian Camboulive, Antoine Choffel, Thomas Courtel, Baudouin de Moucheron, Laurent Deruy, Arnaud Duhamel, Gilles Duquet, Christophe Eck, Olivier Edwards, Jean-Gabriel Flandrois, Richard Ghueldre, Michel Guénaire, Pierre Karpik, François Krotoff, Emmanuel Larere, Jean Leygonie, Carole Malinvaud, Didier Martin, Eric Martin-Impératori, Hubert Merveilleux du Vignaux, Arnaud Michel, Frédéric Nouel, Michel Pitron, Gilles Saint Marc, Kamel Ben Salah, Joëlle Salzmann, Caroline Texier, Anne Tolila, Grégoire Triet, Yann Utzschneider, François Vergne.