Achmea – Three Years on and Around the World
On 16 June, Gide Counsel Saadia Bhatty will speak at an event sponsored by the International Section of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), the European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA); and the New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC).
Three years after the Court of Justice of the European Union’s Achmea decision, which held that the arbitration agreement in the Netherlands-Slovakia bilateral investment treaty (BIT) was incompatible with EU law, the future of investment arbitration on the basis of intra-EU BITs and the Energy Charter Treaty is a subject of continuing debate.
This webinar, Achmea – Three Years on and Around the World, will consider the latest developments following Achmea, its actual consequences for investor-state arbitration, its reception outside of the EU, and possible future developments in this area of law, including in the wake of Brexit, through a cross-Atlantic conversation between practitioners and arbitrators based in Europe and the United States.
Joining Saadia on the panel will be: Bouke Boersma, Houthoff, New York & Amsterdam; Veronika Korom, Queritius, Paris & Budapest; Carlos Ramos Mrosovsky, Alston & Bird, New York; Christopher Vajda QC, Monckton Chambers, Former Judge of the United Kingdom
and Northern Ireland, Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) from 2012.
Register for this complimentary event here.