Press release

13 law firms reaffirm their commitment to mutual respect

In the face of a rise in violence and hate speech, and rejection of others and “otherness” in our society, we feel it is important to solemnly recall the values at the heart of our firms. 

We reaffirm, without succumbing to the emotions of the moment, but with the utmost vigor, that respect for others, whatever their origin, religion or beliefs, is a fundamental value of our firms. We firmly reject the normalizing of any behavior or expression of an anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, racist or xenophobic nature or connotation.

Defense of and, more broadly, respect for individual rights are the essence of our profession as lawyers, which we have sworn to practice “with dignity, conscience, independence, probity and humanity”.

We intend to firmly reiterate this and support the messages conveyed by the Conseil National des Barreaux and the Conseil de l’Ordre du Barreau de Paris.

Défendre les valeurs de la République –

Communiqué du Conseil de l’Ordre du 7 novembre 2023