Member of the scientific Council of the Gide law firm, Thierry Bonneau is professor at the Pairs-Panthéon-Assas University and vice-president for research.
Director of the LLM in Banking and financial law and of the program called Certificate in banking and financial law (M1), Thierry teaches Banking and financial law and regulation.
He gives conferences, lectures, and lessons in French and in English in several countries (Luxembourg, Lebanon, Tunisia, Mauritius, Germany, Colombia, Canada, Dubai and Singapore, Romania, Iran, United States).
He is the author of several books (Banking and Financial European and international regulation/Régulation bancaire et financière européenne et internationale, Bruylant 6° éd. 2022 ; FINTEC and Law (in collaboration, RB Editions 2° ed. 2020); Banking law/Droit bancaire, LGDJ 14° ed. 2021; Financial law/Droit financier (in collaboration), LGDJ 3° ed. 2021) and numerous articles on these subjects. He is a columnist for several law journals. One of the columns is related to financial European and international law.
He contributes to the European Society for banking law and financial Law and the European Banking Institute (EBI). He is member of a consultative committee of the French financial Authority.
He acts as legal consultant or expert in several fields: guaranties, payment services, credits, crypto-assets, financial operations, and prudential regulation.