
15 rue de Laborde
75008 Paris


Sacha Willaume


Sacha Willaume


15 rue de Laborde
75008 Paris


Sacha Willaume is Counsel in the "International Arbitration" team of Gide in Paris.

He specialises in international arbitration and dispute resolution. He regularly acts as counsel and tribunal secretary in commercial and investment arbitration cases in various sectors (energy, transport, infrastructure, distribution, intellectual property, construction) applying the laws of several jurisdictions. His experience also extends to arbitration-related litigation before French courts (challenge or enforcement of international arbitral awards, claims against arbitral institutions) and to private international law.

Sacha is currently representing the French Republic in an arbitration under the France-Russia bilateral investment treaty relating to mining concessions. Sacha has also recently advised an Irish company and a Turkish national in two ICC arbitrations involving a dispute over USD 150 million relating to consultancy services in the aviation sector (ICC, Geneva, French law), is a member of the board of the Comité français de l'arbitrage des moins de 40 ans (CFA40) and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Sacha holds two master's degrees from the University of Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne in international economic law (in partnership with Columbia Law School) and business law, and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from King's College London. He has been a member of the Paris Bar since 2011.