Jean-Philippe Pons-Henry
15 rue de Laborde
75008 Paris
Jean-Philippe Pons-Henry is a partner in Gide's "litigation" team in Paris. He specialises in crisis management and financial litigation, particularly for regulated institutions.
He acts at all stages of proceedings before supervisory or regulatory authorities (AMF, ACPR, CRE, etc.) and before civil, commercial, criminal or administrative courts. He also leads internal investigations and assists the firm's clients in assessing their compliance systems or implementing remediation plans, whether in banking or financial matters or more generally in the fight against corruption or money laundering.
In recent years, Jean-Philippe has helped to exonerate a number of individuals and legal entities prosecuted for insider dealing before the AMF's Enforcement Committee, negotiated the first CRPC on price manipulation with the PNF, represented a credit institution in a class action involving several thousand customers and successfully argued a QPC on obstruction before the Constitutional Council.
He is a graduate of Essec and the University of Paris X Nanterre, and holds the Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA) qualification. He was admitted to the Paris Bar in 2004.