
15 rue de Laborde
75008 Paris

Head of FinTech and Innovation

Franck Guiader

Head of FinTech and Innovation

Franck Guiader


15 rue de Laborde
75008 Paris


Franck Guiader is Head of "Gide 255" team in Paris. He specialises in advanced technologies, digital finance and the regulation of innovation.

He advises public and private companies and institutions on their development projects, which require them to incorporate specific technology-related features into their legal structure (marketplaces, blockchain, security tokens, ICOs, stablecoins, NFT, Metaverse, roboadvisors, crowdfunding, AI).

Franck is a member of the AMF's "Consultative Commission on Market Organisation and Operation" and of the "Technological Innovations and Regulatory Developments" Committee of the French Asset Management Association (AFG). He also chairs the AFG's Artificial Intelligence Working Group.

Franck was Division Director between 2011 and 2018 at the AMF in charge of "Asset Management Regulation" and "Fintech, Innovation and Competitiveness". He holds degrees in business law, finance and mathematics from the universities of Paris Panthéon-Assas and Paris Cité, and from Neoma Business School.


  • Chambers Fintech - France 2025

    Fintech Legal

    Band 3

    His client service and general level of service, level of sophistication and commercial vision are all very strong.