Deals & Disputes

Two new equity partners at Gide: Capucine Bernier and Jean-François Levraud

Gide is pleased to announce the appointment of two new equity partners: Capucine Bernier, a member of the Insurance, Industrial Risk & Transport practice group, based in Paris, and Jean-François Levraud, a member of the Real Estate Transactions & Financing practice group, based in Casablanca. These appointments are effective from 1 January 2015.

Commenting on the appointments, Gide Senior Partner Baudouin de Moucheron said: “Congratulations to our two new partners: their appointment reflects their talent and daily commitment to the firm and its clients. With the integration of seventeen partners in a single year, Gide once more confirms its strategy, based on multidisciplinarity and excellence, that aims for permanent adaptation to market requirements and the consolidation of our key areas of expertise, both as advisors and litigators.”

  • Admitted to the Paris Bar in 1998, Capucine Bernier specialises in insurance law and civil liability. She acts most particularly in disputes pertaining to non-life insurance (damages, civil and professional liability, unusual and industrial risks) as well as life insurance. She advises and assists both traditional and bank insurers, and various industrial players in the management of disputes that are either sensitive or have a major strategic and economic impact. Capucine is a member of the Union of young French insurers and reinsurers (UJARF), the Insurance and Reinsurance Lawyers Association (AJAR), the International Association of Insurance Law (AIDA), and is the vice-chair of the Paris Insurance Institute alumni association (ADIAP). Capucine is also a regular speaker at conferences and a contributor to a number of specialist publications. She holds a degree from the Paris Insurance Institute, and two Master’s degrees, respectively in insurance law and in business law, from the University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne and Paris V.
  • Admitted to the Paris Bar in 2003, Jean-François Levraud co-heads Gide’s Casablanca office. He specialises in providing advice on real estate transactions, particularly sale and lease-back transactions. He also assists clients on construction transactions and real-estate developments and has, in addition, developed a comprehensive practice with regard to sales and acquisitions. Jean-François joined the Gide office in Casablanca in September 2013 to strengthen the real estate activity and practice of the office, for both French and Moroccan clients of the firm. A graduate of the Bordeaux Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) (1997) and of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP – Paris Business School) (2000), he also holds a postgraduate degree in French, European and International Litigation from the University of Paris V Descartes (DESS de Contentieux national, européen et international) and a postgraduate degree in Public Law from the University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne (DEA de Droit public interne) (2002).

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