MyFerryLink / SCOP SeaFrance: Gide, counsel to DFDS on the crisis exit protocol
Gide has advised DFDS, the Danish leader in the sea transport and sea freight sector, as part of the crisis exit protocol signed on 31 August 2015 by the representatives of SCOP SeaFrance, Eurotunnel and DFDS, in the presence of Alain Vidalies, the French Secretary of State for Transport.
The two ships that Eurotunnel chartered out to DFDS this summer and that had been under occupation by SCOP SeaFrance staff for two months are now the object of a return procedure.
In the agreement, DFDS commits to creating 202 new jobs open, as a priority, to former SCOP SeaFrance employees as part of its new organisation.
The SCOP SeaFrance co-operative was set up by former SeaFrance employees, a ferry company that was liquidated in August 2012, in connection with the creation of MyFerryLink by the Eurotunnel group. When MyFerryLink ceased its activity, SCOP SeaFrance was put into court-supervised liquidation on 31 July 2015.
The Gide team is composed of partner Foulques de Rostolan on employment law aspects, and partner Jean-Gabriel Flandrois on restructuring aspects.