
Algeria | Liaison offices – publication of the new regulations

The Ministerial Order defining the new regime applicable to the liaison offices of foreign companies in Algeria was released on 16 December 2015.  There was a lot of expectation around this text which aims to clarify the conditions under which liaison offices can open and operate in Algeria.

The Order confirms the temporary and the non-commercial nature of these representation structures of foreign companies, which are prohibited from performing any economic activities.

The opening of a liaison office remains subject to approval of the Ministry of Commerce, which has imposed stricter conditions:

  • payment of a registration duty of DZD 1,500,000 (approximately EUR 13,000), up from the previous amount of DZD 100,000;
  • increase in the amount of blocked deposit during the existence of the liaison office, from USD 20,000 to USD 30,000;
  • opening of a “CEDAC” bank account in the name of the liaison office, which must be credited with at least USD 5,000.

The approval is granted for two years by the Ministry of Commerce and is renewable.

The Order also specifies that no approval other than the approval delivered by the Ministry of Commerce can be granted to a liaison office. This provision may prevent in particular liaison offices from holding the approval delivered by the Ministry of Health to conduct medical promotion activities.

It should be noted that consulting and customs declarant companies are expressly excluded from the possibility of creating a liaison office.


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