Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to Paris Saint-Germain on setting up a partnership with Webedia in the e-sports sector

Paris Saint-Germain is the first French professional sports club and the first major European team to invest in the e-sports sector, which covers all video game professional competitions.

Gide has advised Paris Saint-Germain on setting up a partnership in the e-sports sector with Webedia, owner of electronic-sports specialised website Millenium, Allociné and the web portal.

A multi-disciplinary team acted on this operation, alongside Paris Saint-Germain’s legal team comprising general counsel Romain Voillemot and legal advisor Mathilde Villeminot.

Gide’s team comprised: Emmanuel Reille (partner) and Elizabeth Gautier (associate) on economic law aspects, Jean-Gabriel Flandrois (partner) and Marlone Zard (associate) on corporate aspects, as well as Raphaëlle Dequiré-Portier (partner) and Adélaïde de Laguiche (associate) on intellectual property aspects.