OPCI: Attractive regulations now – but what comes next?
OPCIs are 10 years old! Enjoying a historical level of inflows and assets under management, real estate investment trusts (“Organismes de Placement Collectif Immobilier” in French, or OPCI) as investment media in the real estate asset class are increasingly attractive.
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of this innovative vehicle’s creation, on 21 November 2017 Gide organises an exceptional roundtable session on the future of OPCIs, with:
- Robert Ophèle, Chair of the French Financial Markets Authority
- Frédéric Bôl, Chair of the French association of Real Estate Investment Companies (Association française des Sociétés de Placement Immobilier, or ASPIM)
- Sébastien Raspiller, Deputy Director “Financing of Companies and the Financial Market” of the Directorate General of the French Treasury
led by Stéphane Puel, Frédéric Nouel, Laurent Modave and Hugues Moreau, Gide partners.
Since their creation in 2007, the regulatory framework of OPCIs has progressively grown as the result of economic and legal rationality. Ever since 2004, Gide has been playing a decisive role in the definition and implementation of the legal and tax regime of OPCIs. Gide has advised the Directorate General of the French Treasury on the legal implementation of OPCIs, and has worked alongside the French Association of Real Estate Investment Companies to modernise this regulatory framework and on all regulatory and tax issues relevant to OPCIs since their creation.
Gide displays recognised expertise of all legal and tax-related issues applicable to the various real estate industry players. Our skill in banking and finance law, structuring of funds and investment vehicles, financial markets law and real estate company law, acquisitions, divestments, real estate transactions, urban planning, development, leasing and management of property assets, mean we can act at every stage of the property value creation chain, both in France and abroad in contentious and non-contentious matters, on all types of real estate assets (offices, shopping centres, hotels, residential complexes, public infrastructure, healthcare establishments, logistics platforms, accommodation and leisure resources, teaching infrastructure, etc.).