
The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office publishes a decision to reduce application and registration fees

On 5 September 2018, as part of the Support Package for Industrialists announced by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (“the Office”) published in the Official Gazette a decision to reduce application, registration and other processing fees for patents, trademarks, and designs.

The decision concerns the following processes:

  • application, registration, renewal (including partial renewal) and transfer (including partial transfer) fees for patents, trademarks, and designs;
  • opposition to an Office decision regarding patents, trademarks, and designs;
  • annual registration fees for utility models.

The fees are reduced by approximately 40% for Office fees, and 25% for total processing fees.

The Office has also stated that the amounts of certain fees have been reduced to symbolic levels.

For instance, the additional fees required to renew a trademark or patent within six months from the end of the protection period has been reduced to TRY 5, while the additional penalty fees required to be paid alongside unpaid annual fees with respect to patents and utility models have been set to TRY 1.

The reductions detailed above aim to reduce the cost of industrial property applications and registrations for industrialists, small- and medium-sized companies as well as citizens, and to contribute to Turkey’s economic growth. Subject fees shall be in effect until the end of the year 2018.

In compliance with Turkish bar regulations, opinions relating to Turkish law matters included in this client alert have been issued by Özdirekcan Dündar Şenocak Avukatlık Ortaklığı, a Turkish law firm acting as correspondent firm of Gide in Turkey.

This Client Alert is not intended to constitute legal advice and should not be taken as a recommendation to take action or withhold from taking action.

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