Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to Europ Assistance on signing a strategic partnership with Crédit Agricole Assurances on assistance services

Gide, counsel to Europ Assistance on signing a strategic partnership with Crédit Agricole Assurances on assistance services

Gide has advised Europ Assistance on signing a strategic partnership with Crédit Agricole Assurances, that will result, in January 2021,  in Pacifica (Crédit Agricole Assurances non-life insurance subsidiary) acquiring a 50% stake in Europ Assistance France the main services company that groups Europ Assistance’s expertise and resources in the French market.

From January 2022, Crédit Agricole Assurances and its subsidiaries will entrust all their assistance activities in France to Europ Assistance, which will become the partner assistance provider for group Crédit Agricole (Predica, Pacifica, CAMCA, La Médicale).

The operation is due to be completed early January 2021, and is subject to the approval of the competent competition authorities

The Gide team advising Europ Assistance was headed by partner Hugues Scalbert, working with counsel Romain d’Innocente and associate Amandine Coulomb on corporate aspects; partner Richard Ghueldre, counsel Charles-Eric Delamare-Deboutteville and associate Constantin Beytout on insurance law aspects; partner Emmanuel Reille, associates Charles Terdjman and Ghislaine Lemoyne on competition aspects; and partner Thierry Dor and associate Aurélie Pacaud on IT aspects.

Crédit Agricole Assurances was advised by De Pardieu Brocas Maffei.

For more information :Europ Assistance Press Release