Gide, counsel to institutional investors in the context of the formation of climate funds “Fonds Objectif Climat”, financing companies whose activities contribute to reaching carbon neutrality by 2050
A group of ten investors, including the French Caisse des Dépôts and institutional investors, has initiated the formation of three investment funds whose purpose is to support the development of advanced methods of financial management which take into account climate change.
Gide advised the investors as part of the selection process of the portfolio management companies for the climate funds and in the context of their formation.
The first two “Fonds Objectif Climat” will invest in listed equity securities, while the third one will invest in bonds markets.
The management of these climate funds has been awarded respectively to Amundi Asset Management and Sycomore Asset Management for the equity funds, and to HSBC Global Asset Management for the bonds fund.
The “Fonds Objectif Climat” are dedicated funds that raised approximately EUR 600 million at their time of launch, between December 2020 and January 2021.
Gide’s team comprised partner Stéphane Puel, working with senior associate Clothilde Beau and associate Myriam Danicourt.