Deals & Disputes

Gide, counsel to Société Foncière Lyonnaise on a project involving a change to SFL’s capital and a voluntary cash and share tender offer

Gide has advised Société Foncière Lyonnaise (SFL) on a proposed transaction involving a simplified cash and share tender offer, initiated by Inmobiliaria Colonial, the majority shareholder of SFL, as well as a change to the existing partnership between SFL and Predica, shareholder of SFL.

The terms of the offer would be EUR 46.66 and 5 Inmobiliaria Colonial ordinary shares for one SFL share tendered into the offer.

This transaction aims in particular to simplify the shareholding structure of SFL.

Gide’s team advising SFL was headed by partners Olivier Diaz, Didier Martin and Jean-François Louit, working with associates Elise Bernard, Anaïs Roudel and François Bossé-Cohic on corporate / M&A aspects; partner Frédéric Nouel and counsel Cléopha Thomann on real estate aspects; partner Olivier Dauchez and counsel Alexandre Bochu on tax issues; partner Foulques de Rostolan on matters of employment law, and partner Emmanuel Reille on competition law aspects. 

The ad hoc committee and the board of directors of SFL were advised by Bredin Prat.

Inmobiliaria Colonial and Predica were advised respectively by Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier and BDGS.