19 August 2014
Publication | GCR - The European Antitrust Review 2015
Article rédigé par Stéphane Hautbourg et Laurent Godfroid, extrait de la revue GCR - The European Antitrust Review 2015, publiée en août 2014, et reproduit avec l'aimable autorisation de Global Competition Review.
Technological developments and innovation in the fast-moving and dynamic telecoms, media and IT markets have continued to pose new challenges for the European Commission (the Commission) in the past year. The Commission is tasked with ensuring that consumers are provided with choice so they can decide between services based on their merits and preserving incentives for firms to innovate, so that consumers can benefit from new or better services in the future. Indeed, the fewer restrictions consumers have, the more popular the products and services of the industry will become. This increase in consumer base is likely to encourage new companies to enter the market with innovative products, thereby increasing competition and innovation as incumbent vendors are spurred into improving their market position through product differentiation.