Gide, counsel to group SNEDAI on building a 2x350MW coal-fired power plant and related infrastructure in Côte d’Ivoire
The teams of international law firm Gide, working alongside those of Ivorian law firm ADKA, coordinated by François Krotoff (Gide) and Adama Kamara (ADKA), have advised the SNEDAI group in relation to a 2 x 350MW coal-fired power plant in San Pedro, and its related infrastructures. The power plant, which will rely on a highly efficient (“ultra-supercritical”) technology, will be developed by Broto IPP, a subsidiary of S.Energies.
The project also includes the construction by Broto IPP of a 400 kV evacuation network covering 321 km between San Pedro and Abidjan. This network will ensure the interconnection of the power plant with the national grid, and will form an inherent part of the West African Power Pool (WAPP).
Lastly, a multipurpose industrial terminal will be developed by TIPSP, a subsidiary of S.Energies, for the purpose, inter alia, of supplying coal to the power plant. The terminal will be located within the port of San Pedro, and will include a bulk dock and a coal dock, for an estimated traffic volume of 4.2 million tonnes per year.
The implementation of the project was confirmed by the signing of the concession agreements relating to the power plant and the multipurpose industrial terminal in Abidjan on 5 December 2016. The concessions were approved by decree on 28 December 2016.
The Gide team comprised partner François Krotoff, counsels Victor Grandguillaume and Nicolas Jean, and associates Magueye Gueye and Claire Labouré, on energy and project financing aspects. The ADKA team comprised partner Adama Kamara, and senior associate Adama Koné.